A Day in the Life
June 25, 2021

June’s edition of ‘The Point’ magazine, the local magazine for Team HPC, featured a day with Zoe Gillard Stamp, General Administrator in the HR department, to find out what makes the HOST Campuses a home from home for our team members. If hospitality is a people business, then Zoe Gillard-Stamp helps to put the right people in position, so guests receive a warm welcome when they stay at HOST’s Sedgemoor and Hinkley campuses.

Zoe said: “This job is all about personality. So long as someone has a great personality, we can give them the skills and training they need.

“We want team members who make our guests feel they've had a great experience. When guests stay with us at our campuses, we want to offer a five-star service.”

Zoe, supports the 191-strong team of front office, IT specialists, maintenance operatives, security and housekeeping team, who keep both campuses ticking over 24/7.

Sedgemoor will be three years old in December, while Hinkley passed that milestone on Friday 11 June.

Over this time, it’s become a home from home for guests looking to stay close to the town centre while enjoying the campuses’ facilities including two bars, a gym, multipurpose sports pitches, a café and restaurant.

Here, we open the doors to the campus and spend a busy and varied day with Zoe and the team.

A typical day for Zoe:

08:30 “Every day starts with an all-team briefing. After a safety message, we talk about our priorities for the day. The Project is currently running the HPC workforce survey, so, I remind everyone to complete that."

09:00 “The first task for me is to sort the Covid-19 lateral flow tests. I look at the clocking-in records and use a random number generator to pick people. I then contact and chivvy them along to make sure all the test slots are used.”

10:00 “When we’re recruiting for new staff, I upload the jobs and put the details on our website. Jobs at HOST are really sought after, so we’ll end up with lots of CVs to sift through.”

12:30 “Lunchtime, and it’s a bit of a perk to work at a place where you have your own restaurant. We’re spoilt for choice!”

14:00 “I spend time running through my emails. Even though we’re a fairly small team, there’s always lots of people’s queries to deal with. Everything from welfare issues and training needs to vacancies and sickness absence. I also promote health and wellbeing for the team.”

17:00 “End of the day and I grab my kit. It’s time for some exercise. During lockdown, myself and my line manager, Kelly Quenault, decided to do the ‘Couch to 5K’. I’d never run before and started off by walking for a minute and running for a minute. But I love it now and we run 5K twice a week. It’s a great way to unwind."

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