Self-Catering Accommodation


Offering a wide range of facilities to our guests and a different style of living accommodation, this option is ideal for those wanting to book long stays and enjoy a more ‘home-from-home’experience. With beach walks close by, Brean offers a real escape from the workplace where guests can relax and unwind. With large car parks on site and daily buses offering door-to-door transfers, Brean is an excellent choice for anyone seeking a wide range of facilities coupled with the outstanding service levels that are core to the HOST offering.

Rates 1 Bed (Studio) 1 Bed + Sofa Bed 2 Bed + Sofa Bed 3 Bedroom
4-27 Nights £34.70 £37.70 £57.10 £76.50
28+ Consecutive Nights £27.50 £28.60 £40.80 £53.00

Brean Self-Catering Accommodation is available to book online.

If you need to book more than 28+ non-consecutive nights, please complete our Booking Form.

Self-Catering Booking Request for 28+ Nights Non-Consecutive

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